Crewe Chinese Massage

Full Body Massage | Relaxing | Deep Tissue | For Booking: 07432 373 959

Oriental Massage


Why Us?

Step into another world, another time, another place. Whether it is to pamper yourself, heal yourself or refresh yourself, the team at Crewe Chinese Therapy icentre.  Our Massage is ready and able to meet your specific need. Our passion, simply, is the healing nature of Chinese remedial massage.

A craft honed over thousands of years, it is the natural way of life for Chinese people to refresh and revitalize through massage. As well as Chinese Remedial Massage, we also specialise in Deep Tissue Massage and the relaxing Aromatherapy Massage.

Our Price:

Relaxing Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Chinese Body Massage

Foot Massage

Swedish Massage


30m/60m/90m -  £30/£45/£70

30m/60m/90m -  £30/£45/£70

30m/60m/90m -  £30/£45/£70

30m/60m/90m -  £30/£45/£70

30m/60m/90m -  £30/£45/£70


FOR BOOKING: 07432 373 959



           - Crewe Chinese Therapy Massage Centre -

                   197 Nantwich Rd, Crewe CW2 6DD